Turning Biosolids Into Green Household Cleaners

The last thing you would ever think of when using green household cleaners is that they came from biosolids. But that is exactly what one US company is trying to accomplish. The company is Renew Technologies, Ltd. which manufactures CYCLE, the world’s first recycled household cleaners. Its founder, Sunny Bhasin, believes however, that more can still be done.

Green household cleaners have been growing in popularity in recent years and have reached 10-20% of total market share in an industry that is expected to reach $28B by 2024. Although more expensive than your average cleaners, these eco-friendly products use plant-derived ingredients and have a smaller carbon footprint, which appeal to younger customers.

CYCLE has a wide range of green household cleaners, from toilet bowl cleaners and bathroom cleaners, to all-purpose cleaners. They use nothing more than all-natural soap, citric acid, oil-based fragrance, derived organic acids, pure water and wastewater, and biosolids as their ingredients. Renew Tech has figured out how to recycle these biosolids and turn them into your everyday green household cleaners.

Bhasin is not new to recycling wastes. Prior to running CYCLE he had spent over 25 years designing and building wastewater treatment facilities.

“One of my favorite ways of describing what we do is telling people that if it flows and stinks, think of us,” says Bhasin. His company has done everything from small projects that help small villages to large scale projects for cities such as Budapest. They have also designed and built wastewater treatment facilities for many industries such as paper, food, pharma, oil and gas, chemical, and automotive.

With CYCLE, biosolids are turned into green household cleaners. Not only does this help remove some of the waste from water treatment plants, but it also creates an effective all-natural cleaning product. Bhasin believes that any wastewater facility can harness this same process, anywhere in the world. “The era of take, make, waste is over. With CYCLE, I get to do my part to build a sustainable future for generations to follow. This has a lot of value and meaning for me,” he says.

Bhasin worked with his company’s chief chemist, who had been cleaning her house with vinegar for years, to help make CYCLE to reality.

“Building an enduring organization is challenging,” Bhasin says. “It requires traveling down uncharted paths and trying to figure things out along the way.” He is driven to create technologies that treat wastewater and produce effective and sustainable recycled cleaners. “The joy I get from people appreciating our work and the pride I have when we, as a team, feel we have done our bit to make the world a better place is something I cherish,” Bhasin says.

Developing natural, recycled cleaning products will significantly reduce toxic chemical pollution in our wastewater. By using biosolids, there is an almost endless supply of material for sustaining the production of products like CYCLE, which not only keeps surroundings clean, but are also better for the environment.

If you are a municipality in Ontario and in need of a biosolids management solution, please feel free to contact us at 1 (877) 479-1388.


Turning Biosolids Into Green Household Cleaners
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